Lessons from Plants: Insights for Thriving
Thursday, January 26, 2023, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST
Category: National Webinars
Dr. Beronda Montgomery will discuss how plant behavior and adaptation in dynamic environments, as well as the relationships that humans have with plants, can offer valuable and disruptive insights for human thriving. Plants experience a kind of sensation that does not require eyes or ears. They distinguish kin, friend, and foe and can respond to ecological competition despite lacking the capacity of fight-or-flight. Plants are capable of transformative behaviors that maximize their chances of survival in a dynamic and sometimes unfriendly environment. Plants take resourceful action in an ever-evolving environment, and our reflection on plant responses offers impactful instructions for community-based care. Key Takeaways:
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Beronda L. Montgomery, PhD, is a writer, researcher, and scholar who pursues a common theme of understanding how individuals perceive, respond to, and are impacted by the environments in which they exist. Her primary laboratory-based research is focused on the responses of photosynthetic organisms (i.e., plants and cyanobacteria) to external light cues. Additionally, she pursues this theme in the context of effective mentoring and leadership of individuals, and the role of innovative leaders in supporting success. Dr. Montgomery is the author of Lessons from Plants (2021, Harvard University Press). Click here to learn more. |