Association for Women in Science
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Excellent Public Speaking for Scientists
Thursday, December 08, 2022, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST
Category: National Webinars

Like graphing data, choosing controls, or mixing clear solutions — public speaking is a skill any scientist can learn. Public speaking skills are developed over time with practice and experience. Any time you give a science talk, you also give a job talk. Even if not being interviewed, there could always be a future boss in the room. You have the power to share a message and Dr. Joanne Kamens will help you format your speech.

Attendees will learn:

  • The fundamentals for preparing and delivering a public talk
  • How to keep the audience awake and interested
  • How to connect with the audience
  • and more!


Meet the Speaker

Dr. Joanne Kamens received her PhD in genetics from Harvard Medical School in Genetics. She has had a varied career in academia, pharma, biotech and nonprofit. She is currently serving as the interim Executive Director of Bentley University’s Center for Women and Business. For a decade she was executive director of the nonprofit biotech, Addgene. Dr. Kamens has been advancing diversity and inclusion for decades including as founder of the Boston chapter of the Association for Women in Science (MASS AWIS). She is currently Chair of the Seeding Labs Board of Directors and also serves as an advisor to Scismic, a job matching site for life scientists, and She is active in creating and supporting mentoring programs for science trainees.

Joanne gives over 80 talks each year on career topics all over the world. She speaks widely on topics such as Winning Company Culture, Implicit Bias, Management 101, Making the most of Mentoring Relationships, Work/Life Negotiation, and Building Relationships for Success. You can find her @jkamens on Twitter.